Thursday 2 March 2017

Woodwork WAEC Syllabus

This is the complete Woodwork WAEC Syllabus  for this years WAEC examination. Candidates for WAEC GCE (External) and candidates for WAEC SSCE (Internal) are reminded to use this syllabus to prepare for their examination. Click here "WAEC Syllabus" to get the rest of the subjects.

We advise that candidates should be aware of the WAEC examination time table on time in order to prepare very well for the forth coming examination.
If you have any question(s) regarding WAEC Result or WAEC exams in general, kindly visit the WAEC FAQ's & A's section of this blog before panicking.

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The importance of this WAEC Syllabus can never be undermined. Hence, it's advisable to stick to your books as well as this syllabus for highlights and concentration areas. It is also advisable that students becomes aware of the WAEC grading system to know what grade they are exactly aiming for.

See also the WAEC exams rules and regulations and how to grow thick skin for it. 

Woodwork WAEC Syllabus

Below is the WAEC Syllabus for this year; kindly make judicious use of it.


The course in Woodwork at the Senior High School level is to enable students gain knowledge in the art and craft of woodworking and  provide with basic and necessary skills for technological growth.  At this level, the knowledge to be acquired will act as an avenue for further growth during and after school.
Woodwork WAEC Syllabus
Woodwork WAEC Syllabus
It is intended to give candidates the opportunity to display detailed knowledge of, and skills in
(1)        technical drawing and designing;
(2)        practical work;
(3)        methods and principles of construction;
(4)        quality control, estimation and costing.
  1. AIMS

Candidates are expected to demonstrate
(1)        creative ability, mental and practical skills in the use of hand and machine tools for construction of basic items in wood and related materials;
(2)        good basic knowledge of design and reading of working drawings;
(3)        ability to plan and follow a sequence of work operations which are necessary to lead to successful completion of projects;
(4)        awareness of problems relating to wood and the wood industry.
(5)        functional skills capable of providing a means of livelihood in           woodworking.

(1)        Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
(a)        terminologies used in woodwork;
(b)        materials used in woodwork;
(c)        care and maintenance of handtools and machines;
(d)        safety precautions at the workshop;
(e)        principles of designing and drawing;
(f)        methods and principles of construction.
(2)        Candidates should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
(a)        follow a given design brief to produce working drawings;
(b)        interpret working drawings;
(c)        use tools, equipment and materials to carry out practical         operations in
sequential order;
(d)        prepare surfaces and apply appropriate finishes.
(3)        Candidates should be able to:
(a)        compare features of different items and make comments or judgment, contrast, justify, support or criticize a job;
(b)        write appraisal report on artefacts.

There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken.  Papers 1 and 2 will
be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.
PAPER 1:  Will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions all of which must be
answered within 40 minutes  for 40 marks.
PAPER 2:  Will consist of theory and design paper of two sections, Sections A and B, to be
taken within 2 hours, 20 minutes.

Section A will be short structured questions put into three parts, Parts I, II and
III as follows:
  • Part I will be for candidates in Ghana only.
  • Part II will be for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia.
  • Part III will be for all candidates. It will comprise of two questions out of which all candidates will be required to answer one.
Section B will comprise design and drawing questions, all of which must be
answered within 1 hour 40 minutes for 40 marks.
PAPER 3:  Will be a practical test lasting 3 hours.  Candidates will be required to make
a test piece for which the appropriate drawings will be supplied.  It will carry
100 marks.


  1. The practical activities would require the use of
(1)        common hand tools;
(2)        portable power tools and basic woodworking machines;
(3)        different joints and shapes;
(4)        nails, screws and other means of fastening.
  1. Candidates will be required to work from dimensioned sketches,
written descriptions or scaled drawings.  They are expected to be able to construct the following joints:
(a)        widening joints – e.g. plain/simple butt, dowelled, tongue and grooved, rebated butt, loose tongue, slot screw.
(b)        angle joints – for box-like construction, e.g. common and lapped dovetail, pin/comb/finger, dowel, housing, halving and plain mitre.
(c)    Framing joints – e.g.  Mortice  and tenon, bridle, mitre, dowel and halving.
(d)        Candidates will also be expected to be able to perform                                                                                   the following operations:
(i)         shaping – e.g chamfering, rounding, tapering, beveling  and
(ii)        assembling and finishing – e.g testing for squareness, parallelism, use of diagonals, trial assembly, cramping, preparation of surfaces, application of finishes.

  1.      THEORY
   T O P I C    N O T E S
1.  WORKSHOP  SAFETY 1.1  Personal Safety                                        Types of safety measures and                                                                                                                                           reasons for their observance.
Uses  of safety equipment; first
aid box and its use.  Saftey to
prevent injury  to self and others
in the workshop, wearing of                                                                                            protective clothing (e.g  goggles,                                                                                       aprons/overalls, masks, boots,                                                                                           helmets, gloves, respirators).

1.2  Safety relating to hand tools,                   Safety measures in relation to the
machines and workshop                            use of hand tools, machines,
environment.                                              electrical appliances; state of
workshop environment, e.g.
lighting, ventilation, exit doors.

1.3  Safety devices                                           Knowledge of types of safety                                                                                                                                            devices and their uses, e.g. fire                                                                                         extinguishers, push stick, push
block, jigs, fences.

1.4  First Aid                                        (a)  Knowledge of the contents of a                                                                 First Aid box (i.e lint, scissors,                                                                         bandages, plaster, methylated spirit,                                                                iodine, cotton wool, forceps).
(b)        Knowledge of the procedure for                                                                         administration of first aid for cuts,
burns, and electric shock.

2.1  Hand Toods                                  Identification, classification, sketching,
sharpening, maintenance, storage,                                                       safety and use of the following:-

(a)  Measuring and marking-out tools:                                                                     rules, calipers, gauges.
(b)  Cutting and shaping tools:  saws,                                                                           planes, chisels, spokesshaves.
(c)  Abrading and scraping tools: files,                                                                 scrapers.
(d)  Boring tools – braces, bits, drills,                                                                            gimlet, bradawl.
(e)  Percussion and impelling tools:                                                                      hammers, screwdrivers, mallet.
(f)  Holding and suppoting tools:                                                                                        cramps, cutting-board, vices, pincers.

2.2  Portable Power                                 Identification, maintenance, safety and                           Tools                                         uses of the following:-
(a)    Planes – power hand planer, router
(b)  Saws – Jig saw, circular saw.

(c)  Sanders – orbital sander, belt                                                                                        sander, drum sander, disc sander.
(d)  Hand drill;
(e)  Spray gun.

2.3   Special Purpose                           Identification, classification,sketching,                            Hand Tools                           maintenance, safety and uses of the                                                                           following:
(a)  Planes:  plough plane, compass                                                                         plane, router plane.
(b)   Saws:  coping saw, fret saw, bow                                                                                saw, compass saw, pad saw, junior                                                    hacksaw.
(c)  Boring bits:  expansion bit,
forstner bit, countersink bit, auger                                                                                bit, centre bit, gimlet, brawdal, twist drill.
(d)   Shapers:  scrapers, rasps, surform,

3.1  Types of Machines                   Identification, functions of parts, uses                                                                         and safety precautions relating to the                                                                   listed machines:
(a)        Grinding wheel.
(b)        Circular saw bench, cross-cut
saw, bandsaw, dimension saw.
(c)        Surfacer or jointer, thicknesser.
(d)        Chain, chisels, horizontal borer.
(e)        Lathe, spindle moudler, drum                                                                                     sander, jig saw, router.
(f)        Drilling machine.

3.2  Safety Aids                                   Uses of guards, jigs, fences, push                                                        sticks, push blocks, gauges.

4.1  Timber

4.1.1  Classification                             (i)         Hardwoods and softwoods
(ii)        Differences between hardwoods                                                                         and structure.

4.1.2  Parts of a tree                             (i)         Identification and functions of the
parts of a growing treee, i.e roots,
trunk and crown.
(ii)        Identification and functions of
the cross-sectional parts of a
tree, i.e bark, bast, cambium
layer, annual/growth rings,
medullary rays, sapwood,
heartwood and pith.
(iii)       Effects of the characteristics of
the cross-sectional parts of a
tree on timber for woodwork.

4.1.3  Surface quality  of timber          Identification of timber by the
following characteristics:
(i)         grain (i.e straight, inter-lock,
wavy, diagonal, etc.).
(ii)        texture
(iii)       figure
(iv)       colour

4.1.4  Mechanic                                   Definition of the following properties:
properties                                  hardness, strength (i.e tensile,
compressive and shear), elasticity,

4.1.5.  Conversion of   timber              Description and sketching of the
following methods of conversion:
(i)         plain/through and through/live
(ii)        tangential/back/flat/rake sawing;
(iii)       quarter/radial/rift sawing;
(iv)       boxed-heart sawing.

4.1.6  Marketable size                          Identification and sketching of the
following marketable sizes:
Log, baulk, plank, strip, batten,
square, scantling, flitch, board.

4.1.7  Seasoning                                  Description of the following methods
of seasoning:
(i)         natural or open air seasoning;
(ii)        artificial or kiln seasoning;
(iii)       water seasoning;
(iv)       chemical seasoning.

4.1.8  Determination of  moisture        Description of the following methods
content                                       of determining moisture content:
(i)         oven dry method;
(ii)        moisture meter method.

4.1.9  Wood Preservation                    (i)  Reasons for preserving timber;

(ii)  Types of preservatives – tar oil,
water borne, organic solvent.
(iii)       Qualities of an ideal preservative.
(iv)       Method of application:
(I)  Pressure treatment (i.e full
cell and empty cell);
(II)  Non-pressure treatment (i.e
spraying, impregnation,
brushing, dippipng, hot and
cold treatment, steeping).

4.1.10  Defects in Timber   Identification, causes and sketching
of the following types of defect in timber:
(i)   natural defects, e.g. knots, burr, grains.
(ii)  defects caused by organisms, e.g
rots, bores.
(iii)  wood processing defect, e.g.
diagonal grain, upset,
compression shakes.
(iv)  seasoning defects, e.g splits, warp,
shakes, honey combing, case hardening.

4.1.11  West African Timber         (i)         Characteristics, similarities and
differences, uses and working                                                                         qualities of the following West                                                                        African timbers:

Iroko (Odum), Abura, Mahogany,
Obeche (Wawa), Walnut, Afara,                                                                      Ebony, Danta, Emery, Shedua,                                                                        Mansonia, Afromosia (kokrodua),                                                       Avodire, Kusia.
(ii)        Effects of depletion of timber species

4.1.12  Veneers                                   Identification, description and
sketching of the following:
(i)  Methods of production, i.e rotary,                                                             slicing, sawing.
(ii)Types of veneers, i.e face, core
and back veneers.

4.1.13  Manufactured  boards Identification, description, uses and                                                    sketching of: Plywood, blockboard,                                                    laminboard, chipboard, particle board,                                                                        batten board, hardboard, fibre board.

4.2  Surface Decoration                       Identification and sketching of tools:
identification and description of the                                                                following methods of surface
decoration: inlaying, veneering
(hammer and caul, marquetry,
laminated plastics, edging (i.e solid                                                                  wood, plastics, metals, veneer),
mouldings (i.e round, ovolo, reeding,                                                 carvetto/hollow, cyma recta/ogee,
cyma reversa, scotia, bead, fluting),                                                                incised and relief carving.

4.3  Non-Wood Material

4.3.1  Metals                                        (i)  Classification: ferrous and non-ferrous.
(ii)  Types of ferrous metals: low                                                                     carbon steel dead/mild steel.
(iii)  Types of non-ferrous metals:
Aluminium, lead, copper, tin.
(iv)  Physical Properties of metals:                                                                    hardness/softness.
(v)  Basic chemical characteristics of
different metals.

4.3.2  Nails                                          Identification, description, uses and                                                                sketching of:  French or wire nails;                                                                              oval wire nails; lost-head nails; panel                                                                pin; veneer pin; cut tack; upholstery                                                                    nails; roofing nails.

4.3.3  Screws                                       Identification, description, uses and                                                                sketching of: Countersunk head;
raised head; round head; Philip’s
head; coach screws.

4.3.4  Plastics                                       (i)  Types – thermosetting and
(ii)  Differences between the types
and their common properties.
(iii)  Items made from the two types
of  plastics.
(iv)  Uses of plastics.

4.3.5  Glass                                             Identification and uses of:  opaque,                                                                          transparent and decorative glasses.

4.3.6  Leather                                     (i)  Types – Natural and artificial.
(ii)  Differences between the types.
(iii)  Uses of leather, e.g furniture,
belts, bags.

4.3.7  Abrasives                                                         Identification, uses and description
of process of manufacture of glass                                                                                 paper and garnet paper.

4.3.8  Fittings                                               Identification, description, uses and                                                             sketching of:  locks; hinges; bolts;                                                                           catches; castors; stays.

4.3.9  Adhesives                                  Identification, characteristics,
preparation and application, uses,                                                                    safety precaution during application
(i)  Protein:  animal, casein.
(ii)  Synthetic: urea, phenol,
melamine formaldehydes.
(iii)  Contact:  rubber based

PREPARATION                    (a)  Description of process, tools and                                                  materials requried for various                                                              surface preparation: planing,                                                               scraping, sanding,  filling,
staining, bleaching, spraying
and polishing.

6.  FINISHES                                     Types, characteristics, uses, methods
application, safety precautions in the                                                   use of the following:-
Paints, vanishes, lacquers, polishes,                                                                             laminated plastics.

7.  METHODS  OF                            Types and description of methods:
SHAPING  AND                                 (i)  Obtaining sawn shapes from solid
BENDING  WOOD                wood.
(ii)  Shaping by lamination.
(iii)  Shaping by curved bending.

8.  WOODWORK  JOINTS             Classification, uses and sketching of                                                   the following:-
(a)  angle joints – mortice and tenon,                                                                dowel, dovetails, housing, halving,                                                      comb, plain mitre.
(b)  widening joints – dowel, tongue                                                                 and groove, loose tongue, rebated                                                                    butt, slot screw, plain butt.
(c)   Framing joints:- mortice and                                                                     tenon, bridle, mitre, dowelled,                                                                         halving.
9.    UPHOLSTERY                           (a)  Tools
Identification, uses and sketching of                                                                the following:-
tack hammer, strainer, curved and                                                                   straight needle, tack remover,                                                              stapler, sewing machine, webbing                                                                    stretcher, ripping chisel.

(b)  Materials
Types, differences and uses of the                                                                  following:-
(i)       Webbing – twine or cord,                                                                       thread, spring, jute, hesian or baft.
                                                            (ii)       Padding – foam, kapok,
feathers, coconut fibres.
(iii)      Covering – fabric, natural
and artificial leathers.
(iv)      Tacking – stud, tack nails.

(c)  (i)      Upholstery parts – frame,                                                                              platform, studding/padding,
(ii)     Types of platform (fixed and                                                    loose) and their uses.

10.  DESIGN ANDMAKING (a)  Factors Affecting Design – Fitness
for purpose, proportion, material,
construction, finishing, cost.

(b)  (i)   Problem identification and                                                                  writing of brief.
(ii)  Stating conditions and
constraints relating to
suggested solution.
(iii) Writing of specifications (i.e
function, materials, construction, cost,
ergonomics, aesthetics) for possible                                                    solutions.

(c)        Generating solutions:
(i)         Sources of information to                                                                         generate ideas in solving                                                                      problems, e.g. research,
interviews, observations.
(ii)        Preliminary sketches –
freehand sketching of designs.
(d)        Preparation of Solution:
(i)         drawing in isometric view;
(ii)        preparation of working                                                                                                 drawing in first and third
angle orthographic projection;
(iii)  preparation of cutting list.
(e)        Estimation of the cost of materials.
(f)        Making of the artefact:
(i)         Preparation of the materials;
(ii)        Construction of the artefact:
Working drawings should be                                                                related to the artefact                                                                          constructed;
–  Tools are correctly used;
–   Appropriate joints are used;
–   Sequence of operation are followed;
–   Safety precautions are observed;
–  Appropriate finishes are  applied;

(g) Evaluating the artefact: – the steps are:
(i)    purpose of the artefact;
(ii)   specifications of artefact;
(iii)  whether the artefact serves the
(iv) strengths and weaknesses of                                                                         artefact;
(v)  areas of possible improvement;
(vi)  judgment as to whether artefact
is excellent, good, satisfactory, poor.

11.  MENSURATION                        (a)  Estimation, calculations involving                                                             linear, area, volume, percentage.

(b) Calculation of unit and total cost of
a job.

(c)  Explanation of the various
elements involved in costing of a
job; i.e materials, labour,
overhead expenses, packaging,                                                                        portage, sales expenses,
advertising, net profit, tax.

12.  WOOD TURNING          (a)  The lathe – identification and
function of parts and accessories:
bed, stands, headstock, tailstock,          tool rest, centres,face plates.

(b) Wood turning tools: identification
uses and sketching of the                                                                                 following:
(i)  scraping tools.
(ii)  cutting tools.

(c)  (i)  Types of turning operations:                                                    face plate turning, between                                                                               centres turning, boring.
(ii)   Articles produced from
turning operations: flower vase, cup,                                                              egg holder, bowl, candle holder,                                                                      decorative mouldings, Police baton,                                                     rolling pin, table legs.

13.  MASS   PRODUCTION              Explanation of stages in mass
(a)  Preparation of Design and Working
(b)  Preparation of workshop rod/ setting
(c)  Making of prototype.
(d)  Preparation of cutting list.
(e)  Preparation of materials.
(f)  Marking out using template.
(g)  Production of parts – use of jigs;                                                               division of labour.
(h)  Trial run.
(i)  Assembly line – trial assembly
and final assembly.
(j)  Application of finishing.
(k)  Quality control.


  1. TOOLS
(1)        Rip saw
(2)        Cross-cut saw
(3)        Panel saw
(4)        Tenon saw
(5)        Dovetail saw
(6)        Coping saw
(7)        Pad saw
(8)        Firmer chisels, 6mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 20mm
(9)        Bevelled-edge chisels 6mm, 10mm, 12mm,
15mm, 20mm
(10)      Mortise chisels, 6mm, 100mm, 12mm, 15mm and 20mm

(11)      Gouges (Firmer and Scribing) 6mm, 12mm,
15mm, 20mm
(12)      Jack plane (metal)
(13)      Smoothing plane (metal)
(14)      Plough plane
(15)      Rebate plane
(16)      Shoulder plane
(17)      Block plane
(18)      Router plane
(19)      Bullnose plane
(20)      Compass plane
(21)      Spokes have (Round and flat)
(22)      Oil stone and slip stones
(23)      Oil can
(24)      Brace (Ratchet)
(25)      Bits (auger, centre, forstner, gimlet, bradawl,
countersink sizes 6mm, 10mm,12mm, 20mm
(26)      Hand drill
(27)      Hand scraper
(28)      Folding rule/Tape measure
(29)      Marking gauge
(30)      Cutting gauge
(31)      Mortise gauge
(32)      Wing compasses
(33)      Marking knife
(34)      Sliding bevel
(35)      Mitre square
(36)      Woodwork bench
(37)      Woodwork bench vice
(38)      Sash cramps
(39)      G-cramps.
(40)      Rack cramps
(41)      Try square
(42)      Warrington hammer
(43)      Claw hammer
(44)      Mallet
(45)      Pincers
(46)      Nail punches
(47)      Crowbar
(48)      Nail cutter
(49)      Glass cutter
(50)      Files
(51)      Rasps


(1)        Cross-cut saw
(2)        Circular saw bench
(3)        Dimension saw
(4)        Band saw
(26)      Hand drill
(27)      Hand scraper
(28)      Folding rule/Tape measure
(29)      Marking gauge
(30)      Cutting gauge
(31)      Mortise gauge
(32)      Wing compasses


(1)        Plane
(2)        Router
(3)        Jig saw
(4)        Circular saw
(5)        Power drill
(6)        Sanders (orbital, belt, disc)


(1)        Timber
(2)        Adhesive
(3)        Abrasives
(4)        Nails
(5)        Screws
(6)        Finishes and Thinners
(7)        Plywood (different sizes)
(8)        Permanent Markers

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